Hello! Welcome to our website!
This site has been developed so you can see what is going on in our classroom or how to help your child be successful at home.
One of the most important aspects of Maria Montessori’s education was to create a more peaceful world by nurturing the spirit of the child. It is our desire to prepare our classroom for your children’s optimum learning.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at school. The telephone number is: 916 630-1510 to connect during school hours. If you cannot reach us, please don't leave a message, but you can try again later or email us anytime. You may e-mail us through this email: yellow@mmcharter.org. It is much easier to get a response through email if it is not urgent.
Thank you for sharing your child with us this year!
IMPORTANT DATES for 2024-25!
August 14th-First day of school
August 21st Back to School Night -parents only
Sept. 25 - Picture Day - Students wear their school uniform for pictures.
TBD - Make-up Picture Day & Classroom group photo
Oct. 7, 8, 9 - Goal Setting Parent/Teacher Conferences
(The sign-ups will go out in an ALL-school email)
Oct. 10, 11, 14 - No School
Oct.-March- Tuesdays afternoons- Music Class
Oct. 31st - Cultural Day - Thursday
The Kindergartners dress as community helpers. This activity is for students to learn more about the role people play in our community and how we can recognize and support their involvement in his or her home, school, or larger community.
The First graders dress as an American symbol. This activity is for students to recognize and learn more about what these symbols represent and how they played a part in our history.
Nov. 1st- Teacher in-service/No School
Nov. 15th- Friendship Pie Feast -
We share in a thankful and special day with our classroom friends.
We will all participate as a class to donate different items to share. More information will come in an email the week prior to the feast. We will need a few volunteers on Friday, November 15th to set up for the feast in the afternoon. The feast will take place at 1:15 and we will need to set up between 12:45 and 1:15.
Dec. 20st-Jan 6th Winter Break
February 12 -APEX fun run fundraiser
Feb 13th - Valentine Exchange
Each child can make or buy ONE valentine for each friend to pass out. There are 34 students in the classroom. Please ONLY put your child's name on the from portion.
Valentine's party TBD
March 10, 11, 12 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 13, 14 Teacher in-service/No school
April 11 - 21 - Spring Break
May 21st - Open House
May 26th-Memorial Day
June 4th- Last Day of School
Welcome to one of the most incredible years your child will have in his/her school career! Kindergarten and First grade are exciting times as children embark upon new adventures in the world of learning. These are years of important transitions, as well as ones in which acquisition of new skills is accelerated. You will be amazed at just how much your child will grow!
In our class, your child will learn how to read, write stories, add, subtract, and so much more. We hope to make your child's year a fun and exciting one and I hope to instill a love of learning that will last throughout your child's years of schooling.
So much happens in the years of Kindergarten and First grade! Because of this, parents as well as children may have some apprehension about what will happen. It is extremely important to keep in mind that we all build on small successes. Each child will progress at his/her own rate, acquiring skills as he/she is developmentally ready. Maintaining each child's self-esteem and building a secure foundation for future growth will always remain a priority in our first grade.
Here are some ways you can help:
Celebrate your child's successes, no matter how small it may seem. This will keep your child enthusiastic about learning and proud of their work!
Look through your child's backpack each day. There will be important notes newsletters, returned work and homework assignments.
Read to and with your child everyday, if possible. The more your child is exposed to language, the easier it will be for him/her to incorporate new skills in reading and writing in the classroom.