We will be sending home yellow homework/communication folders on Fridays. The yellow folder should be returned by the following Wednesday.
Please read to your child or have your child read to you for a minimum of 10-15 minutes per day/night. This is beneficial to their development. When you child starts to bring home "book bags" on Wednesday's, they need to read it two more times on two different days. Then they need to return it for a new book on Monday.
Please count with your child daily. Each child needs to count to 120 by the end of the school year.
Please provide opportunities for your child to cut, color & write.
You may also find these things in their yellow folder on Friday:
Practice Skills Review Pages (Math and Language)
Studies Weekly or Scholastic
All school handouts from the office
As the year progresses, your child will start to practice sight words with you that they are learning in the classroom. They can practice on a daily basis with you for 5 minutes at a time. The sight words will be on the back of their yellow folder. We will call them "heart" words. I will talk more about this at Back to School Night.
Homework Hints
Homework is a fact of life, along with soccer practice, dance lessons, and all the other demands on a student's time. Start homework routines when children are young, so healthy study habits are formed by the time homework becomes more complex and time consuming.
Here are some tips and suggestions for homework time:
1. Find a well-lit area to work, the same place every day is usually the best.
2. Keep supplies handy: sharpened pencils, crayons, scissors, erasers, glue, etc.
3. Pick a homework time and be consistent - with some flexibility when needed.
4. Let your child do his/her own homework unless it's a "work-together" project. Help your child if he/she becomes frustrated but do not do the work for him/her.
Homework serves the following purpose:
To develop self discipline and responsibility
To enhance classroom activities
To show that learning does not take place only in school
To enable parents to monitor what is being taught in class. Homework is an extension of the classroom and helps keep you informed with your child’s progress.
Parents are encouraged to supervise their child when they are doing homework and help them when necessary. If your child encounters any problems or difficulty with an assignment, please inform me via a note, e-mail, or phone call.
Learning to be accountable and responsible for homework is extremely important. This will help your child be better prepared to face the demands that he/she will face in the years to come. Please let me know if there are circumstances preventing your child from returning a homework assignment on time. If a student is having difficulty consistently returning homework, I will be glad to meet with the parents to prepare a plan to help the student in meeting their goals. I will not count homework as part of a subject grade . There will be a Homework box on the report card and it will be marked if homework has not been satisfactorily completed and returned to school on a regular basis.