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Field Trips


It's looking like we can tentatively schedule field trips again. We have decided to have half of our field trips be at school and half be a "travel to" field trip. We have 8 field trips planned:

September 12: Team Building

8:45 am-3:00 pm

Team Building at Whitney Ranch Park

October 13: Coloma Gold Rush Days

8:30 am - 3:0 pm

Field Trip Slip

October 31: Walk Through Time (at school)

9:00-11:30 (4th)

12:30-3:00 (5th)

Field Trip Slip

November 30: Tiffany's Canvas (at school)

Field Trip Slip


December 14: Nutcracker at Sac Ballet

Field Trip Slip

February 23: Extreme Gymnastics


Field Trip Slip

March 19: Mad Science (at school)


Field Trip Slip

March 21: Mad Science (at school)


Field Trip Slip

April TBD: Old Sacramento

8:4530 - 3:00 pm

Field Trip Slip

June 5: Tiffany's Canvas (at school)


Field Trip Slip

Field Trips are looking to cost $147 per student. We can take full payment, in two payments of $73.50 or in three payments of $49 or in four payments of $36.75. More info to come.

23-24 field trips.JPG

Coloma Gold Rush Trip

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