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Science Texts are Online

How to log into TCI Bring Science Alive:

1.  Go to

2.  Enter the following information in the form fields:

     a.  Teacher email:

     b.  Username: first initial, last name, all lower case, no spaces

           Example-John Doe's username would be jdoe  

     c.  Password: See Mrs. Watkins or Mrs. Schmich for password info

Science Class Expectations

  • Be Safe

  • Be Kind

  • Be productive

​If you follow these expectations,

you will succeed!

Grading Policy:  Grades are weighted as follows: 10% Observing Phenomena 30% Interactive Notebook 20% Engineering & Assessment 25% Investigation 10% Lesson Game *Observing phenomena, investigations, and lesson games, engineering challenges, and performance assessments are in-class assignments. If they are not finished in class, the student is responsible for completing the work on their own. * Interactive Notebooks are independent assignments that are due on Thursdays by 3 p.m. * All work will be graded and some will be returned for corrections. Corrections must be completed for full credit. *Late work will be accepted on most types of assignments, as long as it is turned in by the following Monday. After that, it is too late for credit. *From time to time, I understand that extensions are needed. An extension may be given if the student asks for it at least 24 hours before an assignment is due. This does not apply to all types of assignments.

7th-grade Modules:
Cells and Genetics

Typical SCience Jobs in a given week

Reading from the text

Hands-On investigation

Fill out Notebook

Content-based Games

Vocabulary Development

Collaborative Inquiry

Performance Assessment

8th grade Module:

Motion & Energy
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